quarta-feira, 4 de outubro de 2017

Inglês - Estudo Dirigido #2 02/10 3º ano

1) Relacione a preposição ao seu significado em português:

a) about                                    (    )  acima de 

b) above                                    (    ) sobre, a cerca de             

c) after                                      (    ) em, ( com the) , no,na, à, às 

d) across                                   (    ) depois de    

e) against                                  (    ) atrás de 

f) among                                   (    ) antes de 

g) around                                  (    ) ao longo de  

h) along                                    (    ) em volta de / à 

i) at                                            (    ) contra   

j) before                                    (    ) entre ( vários) 

k) behind                                  (    ) através de , de um lado ao outro  

l) beside                                    (    ) com  

m) between                              (    ) dentro de  

n) but                                         (    ) em/no/na/de    

o) during                                   (   ) ao lado de

p) from                                      (    ) perto de 

q) for                                          (    ) em ( para ) dentro de    

r) in                                            (    ) de ( posse) 

s) inside                                     (    ) de ( origem)    

t) into                                         (    ) fora, para fora de  

u) near                                       (    ) desde   

v) of                                            (    ) debaixo de , sob 

w) off                                          (    ) durante 

x) since                                      (    ) a não ser, exceto  

y) under                                     (    ) entre ( dois) 

z) with                                        (    ) por , para, (há, faz(tempo).

2) Complete as orações abaixo com as preposições adequadas:

a) We know much more ____________ genetics now.

b) She was walking ____________ the beach.

c) That happened ____________ the war.

d) Peter is ____________kids who are like him.

e) Look ____________ you and you’ll see.

f) There are many stars ____________our galaxy.

g) You can meet people____________other countries.

h) The answers to life´s questions lie ____________ you.

i)    ____________ the internet, the world is yours.


Nothing defines us than a full and unguarded expression _____ emotions. They reveal private and personal information ________ us. As Dr. Sandra Scott says, it’s no wonder that ______ times, we have difficulty expressing them freely.

Ultimately our fear is _____ the consequences _______ showing our emotions – how will people react? Some men can feel under the additional burden _____ believing that displaying their emotions will make them appear less masculine. They can feel emotionally trapped _____ traditional “macho images”. These images seem to dictate that some emotions are feminine such as fear, anxiety and sadness – and that these can only be shown _____ restricted measures.

If showing our emotions leaves us feeling exposed and vulnerable, then why do it? There are two main incentives to do so; the first is the effect _____ us and the second is the effect ____ our personal lives.

Releasing our emotions can act as a safety valve – relieving inner tensions, like steam ______ a kettle. It relieves the pressure _____holding them ______ or disguising them. Guarded emotions _____ a relationship can lead ______ misunderstandings ______ how your’re really feeling. Lack _____visible emotions can be taken as a lack _____feeling.

3) Complete as lacunas do TEXT I com as preposições corretas.


Some people say there are two wolves inside each of us. There is a constant battle between those two wolves. And you decide the winner.

    Tsali , an old chief of the Cherokees ( a tribe of North American Indians that live in Southwest of the United States), often walks along the stream near  the village with his grandson. They do that almost every day. The old man knows a lot of stories full of adventure or wisdom and the boy loves to listen to them.

    This morning Tsali decides to tell the boy about a battle that sometimes happens inside himself. The old man says, “ This battle is between two wolves. One is evil: cruelty, hate, anger, envy, despair, greed, arrogance, guilt, lies, resentment, inferiority,superiority, and ego.

    The old Indian stops for a moment and then says, “ The other is good: joy, peace, love, hope, empathy, friendship, serenity, humility, kindness, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith…”

    The boy is filled with curiosity. He looks at this grandfather and asks, “ What happens then? Which wolf wins?”

    Tsali just smiles and answers, “ The one I feed.”

Além de resolver os exercícios, traduza os dois textos;

Reescreva o segundo texto na forma negativa.

– trabalho individual.
– o trabalho deve ser redigido de próprio punho, à caneta.

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